英文 small talk 訣竅,用心理學聊天交朋友!ft. Cambly E529

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補充外師推薦 link:
Laura-Anne https://www.cambly.com/en/browsetutors/5f6ca5e29c0c4d577eb09f72?lang=zh_TW
Dahn B https://www.cambly.com/en/browsetutors/5e1bc721ace94391c89be196?lang=zh_TW
Frankie D https://www.cambly.com/en/browsetutors/5c814182c5649100295fbc42?lang=zh_TW


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今天這集要來分享聊天秘訣,並實際找母語人士來示範 small talk 技巧
那就趕快來開始吧,Let's get started! 現在來進入正題

💬 💬 💬


[Laura 1]
Laura: Hi!(嗨!)
Bingo: Hi, Laura!(嗨,Laura!)
Laura: Hi, how’re you?(嗨,你好嗎?)
Bingo: I’m doing good. How are you?(我很好,你呢?)
Laura: I’m good too. Thank you!(我也很好,謝謝你!)

Bingo: I teach English on YouTube and Podcast, but I do wanna learn more about other jobs. I’ve been researching your bio, and I learned that you were a section manager in a market back in (the) UK. I’m quite curious about this position. Can you tell me a little bit about that? What did you do as a section manager?
(我在 YouTube 跟 Podcast 上教英文,但我也想更了解其他類型的工作。我讀了你的個人簡介,發現你曾經在英國的市場裡擔任區經理。我對這個職位蠻好奇,你可以跟我分享嗎?區經理的工作內容是什麼呀?)

Laura: Yeah, for sure! So, it was, um… Basically, I was in charge of the whole, we say, front end, which is like the check-out, and also there (were) self-check-out machines, customer services. So, if any of them had any problems, then I would help all… It was very… customer… It was a customer-facing job.

Laura: So if customers had any problems, and normal check-out colleagues couldn’t deal with it, or they needed support with that, then I would kind of go in and help them, and see what was wrong and try and solve whatever problem it was.



Bingo: Today, I really wanna ask you about your job. Actually, our common job as an English teacher. (今天我想聊聊你的工作,其實,是我們共同的職業—英文老師)

Dahn: Yeah!(好呀!)

Bingo: Cuz I’ve been teaching online for a long time, I've never had an experience like (yours), working for companies like Coca-cola and Toyota. Yeah! It’s just so cool! I wonder what it is like to work for Coca-cola. Do you get bottomless coke?
(我已經在線上教英文好一段時間了,但我從來沒有像你一樣,在可口可樂及 Toyota 等公司教英文。超酷的耶!我好奇的是,在可口可樂教英文是什麼樣的體驗?有免費可樂喝到飽嗎?)

Dahn: Yeah… not really. At that time, that was when I was working in Vietnam. I was working for a British language school in Hanoi. And… they were, like, giving me all these contracts. Sometimes, I would be contracted to go and work for Coca-cola, or contracted to go and work for Toyota. So, it kind of worked like that. Yeah, so, it was kind of nice! 
(嗯...可惜並沒有。當時我是在越南河內,為一家英國的語言學校工作。他們會給我一些工作案子。有時候是去可口可樂教書,有時候去 Toyota。當時是這樣的模式去企業內教書。對呀,還蠻不錯的!)


[Dahn 2]

Dahn: You wanna be talking about things that are not controversial, of course. You’re not gonna be talking about anything political in nature.(閒聊時,最好別聊敏感話題。不要講政治想跟的話題)

Bingo: Religious? No!(也不要聊宗教,對吧?)

Dahn: Haha! Before a business meeting, you start (talking) about politics. It’s not a good option. (哈哈,你如果在商務會議之前,開始大聊政治,應該不是太好的選擇)

Bingo: No, no, no! Yeah!(真的,沒錯!)

Dahn: Safe options. Things to do with the weather, what you did over the weekend, or something… sort of… about your city. Or if you’ve got new visitors coming to the office, and it’s their first time in Taipei. For example, maybe they’ve come from abroad. They’ve come from America. And then you might start finding that your small talk is about Taipei city. “Oh! Do you like Taipei? What do you think of our city?” You know, that’s small talk too.


[Laura 2]

Laura: Depending on who you’re having the conversation with, it really can snowball. It’s easy to keep it going over questions you can add to it. That’s the main thing: follow-up questions. 

Bingo: Uh-huh. Follow-up questions. (嗯嗯,追問問題。)

Laura: Like “How was your weekend?” “It was good!” “What did you do?” “Um, I went to the mall.” “What did you get in the mall?” You know? Like extra questions. And they should also ask you questions. Hopefully. (比如說「欸你週末過得如何呀?」、「還不錯」、「哪你做了什麼」、「我去賣場逛街」、「那你買了什麼?」,你知道,就是往下發問。而且對方應該也要回問你問題。理想上啦。)

Bingo & Laura: (Laugh)(哈哈哈)
Laura: It’s going to feel easy.(這樣閒聊就會很輕鬆)
Bingo: Follow-up questions. Wow! That’s a great tip. Thank you!(追問問題,哇這個建議好棒,謝謝你!)
Laura: No, thank you! It was very nice meeting you and speaking with you.(不會,我才要謝謝你呢!跟你見面聊天很愉快!)



Frankie: When you feel people think you lack intelligence because you can’t express yourself in the way that you want to, that makes them the dumb ones, not you, right? Because (if) you’re an intelligent person, you (would) try to understand a person. You don’t criticize everything [like] how they say [it] and it’s not… No, no, no. Intelligent people don’t do that. Only dumb people do that. Because they want to pretend [to be] smart. You know what I’m saying? So I think this is like, you know, you feel like there’s a vibe because, you know, they think “oh you don’t speak your mind.” Don’t talk to them. Find someone else. Find someone who is an international person

Bingo: Oh my god! I love that. An international person. I mean, that’s the word, right? Like, very often, we, language learners, blame ourselves when the communication doesn’t work out. But as you said, communication requires two people to cooperate.

Frankie: Yeah, exactly! It requires two people to want to understand each other.(對,就是這樣,溝通是需要雙方都嘗試理解對方才對)

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廠商合作請洽 bingo@bingobilingual.com 
· 開頭口播、客製單集、人物專訪
· 口播案例這邊請

節目配樂剪輯自《七十億分之一 Instrumental》
演唱: Julia 吳卓源、婁峻碩SHOU
編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰、Tower Da Funkmasta 陶逸群 、Julia 吳卓源
作曲: Julia 吳卓源、婁峻碩SHOU
製作: terrytyelee 梁永泰
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsYmHa?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
