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· 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
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傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

1【Happy Holidays! 佳節愉快】

2【out of the office 休假中,不在辦公室】- 形容詞片語
I’m currently out of the office.

3 【access 使用某事物的途徑或是機會】- 名詞
During this period of time, I will have no access to emails.

4 【assistance 協助】- 名詞
If you need immediate assistance, please contact me on my cell phone.

5【urgent matters 緊急事項】- 名詞
For all urgent matters, please contact Leo.

1 Happy Holidays! 佳節愉快
2 out of the office 休假中,不在辦公室
3 access 使用某事物的途徑或是機會
4 assistance 協助
5 urgent matters 緊急事項
