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https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual 1【friends with benefits 砲友】- 名詞
Can friends with benefits go back to being just friends?
2【fall for the person you sleep with 暈船】-- 常見說法
I think I’ve fallen for the guy I slept with last night.
3 【fujoshi 腐女】— 名詞(從日文進入英文的外來語)
Girls who love gay romance are fujoshis.
4【pride parade 同志大遊行】-- 名詞
For me, pride parade is all about that feeling of acceptance.
5【turn somebody gay 掰彎】- 動詞片語
You didn’t turn him gay, but you gave him the freedom to come out.
1)friends with benefits 砲友
2)fall for the person you sleep with 暈船
3)fujoshi 腐女
4)pride parade 同志大遊行
5)turn somebody gay 掰彎
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