EP119 | 5 分鐘補血 #美百萬人提早投票 #連假泡熱水澡 #肯亞教室改養雞 #陽光普照角逐奧斯卡 #尼德蘭終於規定戴口罩 | 聽新聞學英文

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嘖嘖 9 月早鳥訂閱快結束了!!!
· 9 月早鳥「限時獨家」線上課程
· 線上課程
· 全英文 podcast
· 視訊家教

1 【family struggle 家庭衝突】— 名詞
“A Sun” revolves around family struggles.

2 【early voting 提前投票】— 名詞
The early voting period can vary between four and fifty days prior to Election Day.

3 【resident 住民】— 名詞
Residents in the Netherlands will be advised to wear a face mask in shops for the first time.

4 【curfew 宵禁】— 名詞
Kenyan President has extended the nationwide curfew.

5 【several 數個】— 形容詞
Taking a hot bath several times a week is good for your health.


1)family struggle 家庭衝突
2)early voting 提前投票
3)resident 住民
4) curfew 宵禁
5)several 數個
